CATNIX and CSUC on the user’s side in times of pandemic

In research centers and universities, with most staff and students at home, regular internet traffic to institutions is lower. However, traffic from institutions to the internet has increased. This can be explained by the growing use of virtual private networks (VPN), online classes and content searching in institutions. Traffic from special projects, which are more automated and not so related to human interaction, has remained similar to the traffic registered before the state of alarm from last March 14th.
At CATNIX, the Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange, traffic from public institutions has decreased, whereas that of commercial providers has increased and content providers remain stable. Even though the traffic peak has dropped (maximum traffic at any given time), total exchanged traffic has increased.
During this situation of emergency, from CATNIX we are making upgrades when necessary to meet the new demands from our connected networks. From this IXP based in Barcelona, we want to make things easy for our users, so that they can enjoy good connectivity and redundancy. That is why, given the current circumstances, as always, and always will be, we are at your disposal to meet your exceptional needs during the pandemic.