New PCH/Quad9 node starts running at CATNIX
PCH/Quad9 node is already available at the Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange Point (CATNIX).
Conference on Quad9 and DNS privacy
The Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange Point (CATNIX) organized a conference on Quad9 and DNS privacy on November 23rd, lectured by Gaël Hernández, Senior Manager at Packet Clearing House (PCH).
Peering matrix already available at CATNIX
The Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange Point (CATNIX) has since this November the Peering matrix tool, which visually shows traffic exchange between IXP members.
RedIRIS upgrades its connection to CATNIX
RedIRIS upgraded its connection to the Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange Point (CATNIX) on November 5th from 2 Gbps to 10 Gbps.