The link between Campus Nord and Equinix, at 100 Gbps
The bandwidth in the link between the Campus Nord and Equinix nodes of the Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange Point (CATNIX) has been upgraded to 100 Gbps this November 27th. Until now, the connection between the two PoP was at 40 Gbps (4×10 Gbps).
How the EVPN works and the functionalities of BGP communities
Pau Nadeu, from everyWAN, Anton Karneliuk, from THG Hosting, and Maria Isabel Gandia, Head of Communications at CSUC, gave a double presentation on Ethernet VPN (EVPN) and BGP Communities prior to the 45th meeting of the CATNIX Technical Commission.
CATNIX presents its new architecture at ESNOG27
Medialab Matadero Madrid hosted the 27th edition of the Spanish Network Operators Groups (ESNOG), broadcasted online and with the participation of the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC).