What PeeringDB is and how it works?
On november 25 CSUC held a conference on PeeringDB, in which Maria Isabel Gandia, CSUC’s Communications Manager, and on behalf of Arnold Nipper, one of the PeeringDB directors, explained what this PeeringDB contains, how to register and how to use it. Indeed, she showed its performance and the changes linked to switching to PeeringDB 2.0.
EbreTic connects to CATNIX
EbreTIC has connected to the Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange Point (CATNIX) on November 22 at 1 Gbps. The connection is done at bitNAP, the new CATNIX site.
NTT, new member at CATNIX
NTT Communications has connected to the Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange Point (CATNIX) at 10 Gbps. The connection is done at the Itconic node.