Presentations CATNIX

How the EVPN works and the functionalities of BGP communities

Pau Nadeu, from everyWAN, Anton Karneliuk, from THG Hosting, and Maria Isabel Gandia, Head of Communications at CSUC, gave a double presentation on Ethernet VPN (EVPN) and BGP Communities prior to the 45th meeting of the CATNIX Technical Commission.

Recently, CATNIX has updated its infrastructure and changed the architecture, moving from a level 2 network to a BGP EVPN-based control plane and a VXLAN data plane. The IXP also offers to members the possibility to mark their traffic with BGP communities, taking advantage of some of the features such as blackholing in case of DDoS attacks.

That is why Nadeu and Karneliuk talked about the functioning of EVPN in the first presentation, highlighting in which occasions could EVPN be useful. Afterwards, Maria Isabel presented the BGP communities, with special emphasis on those to be used in route server announcements and that are of interest for CATNIX members.

Both presentations are available below:
CATNIX. Punt neutre de connexió a internet de Catalunya