
CATNIX breaks the 100 Gbps barrier

The Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange Point (CATNIX) has overcome the barrier of 100 Gbps of network traffic this October.

With more than 40 connected networks, this mark reflects the good health of the Catalan IXP in the territory, being one of the IXP of reference in the city of Barcelona and, by extension, also in Catalonia.

CATNIX watches daily for the constant improvement of its services and for continuing to offer the highest quality to users. Proof of this is the new peering platform, launched last summer, and the new services equipment, which increased its switching capacity by six.

Since its beginnings in 1999, CATNIX has been providing interconnection services to institutions and companies to promote the business, content, education, and research fabric of Catalonia. Among the benefits of having an IXP stands out the improvement of the end-user experience thanks to low latency. Also important are the high redundancy, and the fact of enjoying of decongested routes, achieved thanks to the proximity between content and users.

CATNIX. Punt neutre de connexió a internet de Catalunya