
Upgrade of the Campus Nord Route Server

The Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange (CATNIX) has upgraded its route server located at Campus Nord to further facilitate route exchange between the different members of the IXP.

The new machine doubles the memory capacity to 16 GB and the disk space to 100 GB. Additionally, the operating system has been updated to ensure maximum security, reliability, and optimal performance of the IXP, as well as to guarantee server maintenance. The update also includes the deployment of a new version of the Bird software, which integrates both IPv4 and IPv6.

A route server allows participants of an Internet Exchange Point (IXP) to efficiently and centrally exchange network routes. Instead of requiring direct connections between each pair of networks (bilateral peering), members can connect to the route server to share routes with all other participants simultaneously. This simplifies the configuration, reduces complexity, and optimizes network interconnection within the exchange point.


CATNIX. Punt neutre de connexió a internet de Catalunya