Anella Científica upgrades to 40 Gbps

The Anella Científica upgrades its connection to CATNIX up to 200 Gbps

The Anella Científica, the academic and research network of Catalonia, has upgraded its connection speed to the Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange (CATNIX) at each of its backbone nodes. From a 100 Gbps connection, it has now upgraded to 200 Gbps, offering greater data transmission capacity, more redundancy, and facilitating information exchange, among other services.

This upgrade was carried out as part of the renewal of the Anella Científica’s backbone equipment, funded by the European Union’s Next Generation EU funds through the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). In Spain, this mechanism is implemented through the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan. Specifically, the equipment renewal falls under the modernization and digitalization of the educational system within the UniDigital Plan, which dedicates a section to digital infrastructures.

The entity responsible for executing this section is the Ministry for Digital Transformation and of Civil Service, through its State Secretariat for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (SEDIA) and more specifically, its agency for promoting digital transformation, assigned its department RedIRIS to carry out all the actions.

CATNIX. Punt neutre de connexió a internet de Catalunya