
Orange connects at 1 Gbps

The operator of telecommunications Orange has connected to the Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange Point (CATNIX) at 1 Gbps speed.

The Telecomunicacions i Societat de la Informació secretary, Jordi Bosch, has affirmed that with this connection ‘the customers of Orange as well as the citizens of Catalonia will profit from a better quality of the internet service’.

Orange is the trade name of France Telecom España, a telecommunications operator which covers internet, ADSL television and mobile services. It offers service to more than 1 million of costumers in telephony and provides internet connection to more than 1.2 million users.

With this connection, the CATNIX counts with 20 members among operators and ISP.

CATNIX. Punt neutre de connexió a internet de Catalunya