
Introduction to M-Lab, an Open Internet Measurement Platform

The Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange Point (CATNIX) has installed an M-Lab pod (Measurement Lab) as a new node of the open global network measurement platform.

On November 24th at 11:30 CET, Collin Anderson, researcher at Measurement Lab, will introduce the M-Lab platform and how it works, and will show what measures can be done against these nodes to make the most of them.

The M-lab nodes allows testing parameters such as bandwidth, jitter or latency from the institutions with tools like NDT (Network Diagnostic Tool). It can also be used as a target to diagnose problems or network performace issues from tools installed at the institutions.

All of the data collected by M-Lab is open, public and available for download, so that the results can be used for research and the users can also develop their own client-side measurement software. All the measurement tools are also open source.

M-lab is a consortium of research, industry and public-interest partners like New America’s Open Technology Institute, PlanetLab Consortium, Google Inc. and academic researchers. Several internet exchanges, like CATNIX, research and education networks and companies around the world also support this community-based effort.

This conference is free of charge and registration is not required.

CATNIX. Punt neutre de connexió a internet de Catalunya