This extension is located at the new head office of the Generalitat de Catalunya in Girona, which includes the most innovative technological solutions based on an innovative project to offer a unified model of customer service, which has also been presented by the delegate of the Government at the same event.
The new infrastructure of the CATNIX in Girona, which is connected using net fibres of the Generalitat de Catalunya, is ready to the connection of the local operators that would like to join the neutral point could do it from Girona and enjoy the same services that they would have if they did it from the nodes located at Barcelona.
The secretary of Telecommunications and Information Society, Jordi Bosch, has emphasized the fact that the installation of this territorial node is ‘the first step to achieve one of the main objectives of the Strategic Plan of the CATNIX 2009-12, which consists of bring the CATNIX closer to the territory through the use of infrastructures of the Generalitat de Catalunya with the purpose of boosting the territorial unity of our country’.